Two Loves

Documentary about controversial poet Lord Alfred ‘Bosie’ Douglas, the lover of Oscar Wilde.

Two Loves charts the life and works of Lord Alfred Douglas, the lover of Oscar Wilde. On meeting him in 1891 the popular Wilde instantly fell in love with this young, aristocratic poet, nicknamed Bosie. He and Wilde had a stormy relationship in the Victorian era; an era in which homosexuality was forbidden. Their love affair was the cause of; The Trial of the Century’ between Wilde and Bosie’s father, which ultimately became Wilde’s downfall. By the public at large Bosie has always been considered as ‘the evil genius’ and ‘the selfish bon-vivant’, who brought Wilde down. But how accurate is this? Wilde died in 1900: Bosie passed away in 1945, a disillusioned, lonely old man. After Wilde’s death, Bosie tried time and again to give his life a new direction, a new meaning. He loses all his inheritance on horses; he converts from Atheism to Catholicism; he marries and turns openly against homosexuality. But nothing he does can turn the tide; he is declared bankrupt, he loses his son and his wife leaves him. Two loves gives the audience the chance to enjoy Bosie’s poems and meet Wilde’s grandson Merlin Holland, Bosie’s great-nephew Lord Gawain Douglas and some of the last remaining eyewitnesses of this intriguing life like the British actor Sir Donald Sinden.

Two loves, a portrait of Lord Alfred ‘Bosie’ Douglas. Poet and lover of Oscar Wilde



Short synopsis: Documentary about the controversial poet Lord Alfred ‘Bosie’ Douglas, the lover of Oscar Wilde.

Credits: Photography Gregor Meerman / Sound Bouwe Mulder / Editor Gys Zevenbergen / Composer Stephen Daltry

A Ryninks Films production in co-production with AVRO television.

Made with the participation of The Dutch Film Fund, The CoBO Fund,The Dutch Cultural Broadcasting Promotion Fund and ZDF Arte.

Sales Agent: Netherlands Public Broadcasting

Sold to: SBS Australia, Prime Vision Canada, RTE Ireland, Norway & BBC Knowledge.

Awards: Dutch Academy Award, 2001

Nominations: Official Dutch Entry Golden Rose Montreux 2001 Arts category.

Short listed: EBU ‘ The Golden Link Award ’ 2002.

Versions: English with Dutch subtitles, colour, 52/60/68/71 minutes

Copyright: Ryninks Holding/AVRO 2001



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